
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
S1E41 "Loric Village; Just a Bedtime Story" |20SA Space Daze
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Traveling with their guide and the young lord, Our three adventurers head into the Dead Forest towards the Guardian's home chasing the the scent of Lost One's Tech. When finding an old abandoned village that was a well know child's bedtime story, they discover it might not just be a story.
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Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
S1E40 "The Next Step" | 20SA Space Daze
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
With the mushrooms in hand, and safely out of the mountains; Bacchus, Nora, and Daythorn decide to pursue their new titles of 'God Rehabilitators' as they head into Xixtus's domain with hopes of helping the creature. With Caden and young lord Arlo at their side they take the next steps in their adventure.
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Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
S1E39 "Facing Our Demons" |20SA Space Daze
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Our trio along with their new friend Gale, stare down the mountain's guardian Faelien. A large two tailed wolf that seems to have other plans for the crew than letting them leave. Not without proving themselves. Can Bacchus, Daythorn, and Nora face their own demons or will they prove to much to handle?
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Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
S1E38 "Guns, Gricks and Mushrooms" |20SA Space Daze
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
The group has their first encounter of the terrors of the Belintec Mountains as Bacchus nearly runs to the open arms of a creature in the black obsidian. When a voice stops them in their tracks, who is this child-like figure? And can they make it out without running into the god of the mountain Faelien?
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Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
The final installment of our Halloween special!
The K-Squad discover Toni, a Fang Brotherhood member injured in the park. Taking him into custody as they continued tracking the twin AIs EGO and NEO through the abandoned park. When they are told their game wasn't over yet, the Kandi, Katherine, Kevin and the newest recruit Kibble soon find out that their simple in and out mission may just be enough to destroy the rag tag Brai Sanctum team.
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Special thanks to Meek for joining us as Kibble!

Saturday Oct 31, 2020
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
Welcome to Part One of 20 Sided Adventures Halloween Adventure!
Join the members of the Brai Sanctum K-Squad; Kandi, Katherine, Kevin and their newest recruit, Kibble, as they find themselves on what is presumed and easy in and out mission at the abandoned theme park; 'Wild Space Kingdom: The happiest place in the Kalto system'.
Eradicate the Fang Brotherhood from the area...but what more will they find? And will they themselves be eradicated before they can complete their mission?
Have a Happy and Safe Halloween everyone!
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Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
S1E37 "Everything Has A Butt" |20SA Space Daze
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Heading deep into the heart of the Mountains in search of the Luminescent Mushroom; our three adventurers almost become dinner for the inhabitants of the mountain. What creatures await them at the bottom of the path? Who was the child giggling? Will Bacchus run right into the arms of a lie or will the girls manage to stop him in time?
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Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
S1E36 "Whispers from the Belintec Mountain"|20SA Space Daze
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Finally reaching the base of the Belintec Mountains, Caden leaves our adventurers to travel the forbidden mountain alone. But with his word of warning about the mountain playing tricks on their minds, our heroes may come face to face with ghosts from their pasts.
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Todays Midshow Promo- Three Kobolds In A Trenchcoat!! Check them out today!

Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
S1E35 "Ituheed's Bog" |20SA Space Daze
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Caden; (Aka the "hot moth guard" To the crew) leads our three adventurers along the floor of the forest towards the mountain ranges. As he gets to know the three a little better, they soon find themselves in the bog of Ituheed. Offering safe passage through the bog and words of wisdom about each member of the group; but at what cost?
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Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
S1E34 "Almost Sexy Plant Time" | 20SA Space Daze
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Our heroes leave the safety of the village with their guide Caden, as they enter into the forest. Between carnivorous plants, fireflies the size of golf balls a guide that is hopped up on caffeine and six legged chinchillas that can teleport, our 3 heroes may not even make it to the mountain range. Or will they?
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